Wednesday 30 November 2011

Oh tiny tree ... I shall name you... Tim

There are certain advantages to growing up in the country as opposed to the city. We always had a real tree in the living room for christmas. My dad would split wood for fires in the fireplace. My mom who, as I've mentioned before, is amazing and would do massive amounts of baking. Enough pfeffernusse cookies to feed an army, rumballs that would probably get you into trouble if you were driving later, and amazing gingerbread houses with stained glass candy windows and broken after eight chocolates for shingles with the filling oozing out to look like icecicles. And this is before she'd make Christmas dinner pretty much single handed.
 I really want to carry on as many of my families holiday traditions as I can but I'm also coming to terms with the limitations of our one bedroom apartment. So sadly our tree is fake and about three feet tall but it is chock-a-block with my and my husbands ornaments. I also  intend to fully test the capacity of our tiny little galley kitchen and bake a truly epic number of cookies to give out as presents this year. So now that it's finally snowed I can really start getting into the holiday spirit.


  1. Tim looks very festive! I love the smells of Christmas! I'm very proud of you for carrying on some of the traditions...not easy to do. Remember when I filled the freezer with goodies and you and your Dad most of them before guests arrived? This year I'm going to make my own caramel corn with pecans and almonds! Fingers crossed! If it doesn't work out the Butterdome craft sale is Dec 8th *G*

  2. Sean wants to try his hand at rumballs and I'm going to try and get the hang of gingerbread again.

  3. I bought aftereights yesterday. All Christmas shopping is done! Yay! One of your presents was back ordered, so you might not get it in time for Christmas. Now on to baking...can you see your Dad's smile from there?

