Tuesday 3 January 2012

In with the old out with the new....Wait what?

The holidays are over, massive amounts of baking have been accomplished, gifts have been given and the new year has begun. There's a lot to look forward too and a great deal I have to accomplish.
I'm going with my mom to the Writers conference in Surrey where I can hopefully get more feedback on a big project I'm working on.
Also hopefully in the not too distant future I'll acquire more stable employment. It'd be nice to be able to afford to take some life drawing classes again, I've gotten painfully rusty. Plus my husband and I both want to get back into larping. It'd be nice to be able to hang out with friends more often again especially now that I have plans for a slightly more combat intensive character. I'm really itching to learn how to spar with folks.


  1. yay! I love updates. Looking forward to the Writer's Conference too. There are "pitch" appointments, "Blue Pencil Cafe" and classes on how to pitch, what publishers are looking for. Lots going on in all sessions. Plus I get to spend time with my favourite daughter! Oh wait, you are my ONLY daughter, that's ok, you are still my favourite!

  2. I was provided an opportunity to review some of your art work over Christmas. I was very impressed and feel that you should follow your dream. I think posters, prints, postcards, T shirts, book covers, kleenex box covers and any thing that you can think of. You are very talented and am sure that you will succeed. I used to procrastinate,.. and when I made my mind up to go for it and did it,.. then I was saying why did I not do this sooner! Just do what you love to do and you will make it!
