Tuesday 10 January 2012

Cardigans and cable knit sweaters oh my!

I am a sucker for cardigans. Comfy and warm they're like a knitted hug and thankfully at the moment they are fashionable. The reason though may have more in common with the great depression rather than haute couture. The last time knitwear was so hugely popular was the 30's because it was more cost effective to make your own clothes. Guess that explains the 'do it yourself' attitude that’s becoming more and more popular.
Sadly I have neither the skill or patience to knit a full sized garment. I’ll stick with cooking mostly from scratch in a comfy cardigan.


  1. Wearing cardigans, or layering clothing allowed folks to do with less heating in their homes. As for the Do it yourself...both your grandmothers were amazing knitters and artists, so maybe the knitting gene skipped a generation too. You should give it a try!

  2. The reason though may have more in common with the great depression rather than haute Cheap Men's Pants
